Aðalsteinn A. Guðmundsson
Electronics Engineer
Phone: +354 848 0114
Email: alli@raforninn.is
Mr. Adalsteinn A. Gudmundsson graduated with a degree in electronics engineering from The Reykjavík Technical College at the end of 2017, chose to complete the following mandatory, vocational training at Raforninn and has since then continued to work for the company.
Adalsteinn takes part in all aspects of Raforninn´s technical service, including repair work, maintainance and quality assurance. He also has a key role in environmental monitoring which Raforninn offers in collaboration with Verkis Consulting Engineers.

Anton Þ. Ólafsson
Electronics Engineer
Phone: +354 695 5818
Email: anton@raforninn.is
Mr. Anton Thor Olafsson first started working for Raforninn in 2015 and continued working for the company, on and off, while continuing his education. He has been a permanent employee since 2021. Anton graduated with a degree in electronics engineering from The Reykjavík Technical College at the end of 2015 and finished preliminary university studies at Keilir Academy in 2017. He studied at Umeå University in Sweden, working towards undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering, but has yet to graduate.
Anton takes part in all aspects of Raforninn´s technical service, including repair work, maintainance and quality assurance. He specializes in servicing MRI and CT equipment and is currently also adding to his knowledge of RIS and PACS systems.

Ásbjörn H. Kristbjörnsson
Master of Engineering
Phone: +354 696 0931
Email: asbjornk@raforninn.is
Mr. Asbjorn H. Kristbjornsson has been working for Raforninn since may 2006. He graduated from The Reykjavík Technical College in 2002 and majored in both technology and computer science. Asbjorn earned his B.Sc. degree in software engeneering from The University of Iceland in 2006 and received his MSc.Eng degree in software engineering from the same University in 2011. His master thesis was on the use of a physics engine for real time haptic interactions with fluids. Asbjorn has vast experience in software solutions and among his responsibilities at Raforninn are maintainance and development of various software, as well as diverse consulting work.

Bryndís Eysteinsdóttir
Phone: +354 699 4713
Email: bryndis@raforninn.is
Ms. Bryndis Eysteinsdottir is a radiographer, with a BSc degree from The Technical University of Iceland. Besides working as a radiographer she has managed bookkeeping for several companies since 1990.
Bryndis started working for Raforninn in may 2008 and was the company´s service manager until 2019. She now mostly participates in various consulting projects.

Daníel Sigurðsson
Electronics Engineer
Phone: +354 774 8332
Email: daniel@raforninn.is
Mr. Daniel Sigurdsson started working for Raforninn in spring 2014, right after graduating with a degree in electronics engineering from The Reykjavík Technical College. He then studied IT management at the NTV School of Computing and Business in Reykjavik, while working full time at Raforninn, and graduated in late 2015.
Daniel´s main responsibilities are related to quality assurance and measurements, for X-ray, ultrasound and CT equipment but he takes part in all kinds of maintainance and repair work. He also supervises Raforninn´s service to various non-imaging technical equipment, f.ex. at laboratories.

Edda G. Aradóttir
QA Manager
Phone: +354 860 3748
Email: edda@raforninn.is
Mrs. Edda G. Aradottir is a radiographer, with a BSc degree from The Technical University of Iceland. Her field is Quality Management, both inside Raforninn and in various projects for customers. She also oversees the company´s website and social media. She started as a part time employee in May 2002 but has been working full time at Raforninn since October 2008.
Edda has broad experience as a radiographer and has attended numerous courses and conferences on Quality Management, Safety Management and Human Resources Management.

Eiríkur K. Þorbjörnsson
Assistant chief executive
Phone: +354 863 2800
Email: eirikur@raforninn.is
Mr. Eirikur K. Thorbjornsson started working for Raforninn in november 2010. He has a degree in electrical engineering from Odense Teknikum (Syddansk Universitet) in Denmark and a Masters degree in Security and Risk Management from the University of Leicester in England.
Eirikur has worked in programming and software development, both in Denmark and Iceland, and has founded several companies in computing and technology. In the years 1987 – 1995 he was the managing director of the Federation of Icelandic Electric-works and managing director of Neydarlinan, the Icelandic emergency dispatching center (1-1-2), in 1995 – 2000. From 2000 to 2005 he operated the electric engineering company ICESEC and then joined engineering consultants Rafteikning which merged into Verkis Ltd.
Eirikur is now a project manager at Verkis, along with his work as assistant managing director at Raforninn.

Jonas M. Kristjansson
B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
Phone: +354 866 6942
Email: jonas@raforninn.is
Mr. Jonas M. Kristjansson began in an internship at Raforninn through Reykjavik University during the spring semester 2020. He carried on working at Raforninn along with his studies and graduated in January 2021 with a B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering with an additional semester in computer science. Currently he is studying for his Masters degree in Eng Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Denmark
Jonas was the head developer of a software for automated analysis of quality assurance images in x-ray, developed at Raforninn in 2021 – 2022 and continues to service and develop the software “SULA” along with his studies.

Magnús Guðjónsson
Certified Electrical Technician
Phone: +354 824 5723
Email: magnus@raforninn.is
Mr. Magnus Gudjonsson started working for Raforninn in March 2016. He is a Master Electronincs Engineer, from The Reykjavík Technical College, and has a Higher National Diploma from Reykjavik University.
Magnus has a long and diverse experience in services and quality control of medical imaging equipment and has completed a great number of service courses. He has specialized knowledge of CT and MRI but participates in all aspects of technical service, instalment of equipment and quality assurance.

Sigurður Haukur Bjarnason
Chief Excecutive Officer
Phone: +354 698 8118
Email: siggib@raforninn.is
Mr. Sigurdur Haukur Bjarnason started working for Raforninn in february 2016. He earned his degree as a Master electrician from The Icelandic Technical College in Reykjavik and has a diploma in Electrical Technology from Reykjavik University.
Sigurdur has diverse knowledge of computers and other electrical equipment and specializes in general x-ray equipment and computerized tomography.
Besides his work as the company´s managing director Sigurdur is also involved in maintainance, repair work and installation projects.

Sigurður Rúnar Ívarsson
Master Electronics Engineer
Phone: +354 892 9662
Email: siggi@raforninn.is
Mr. Sigurdur Runar Ivarsson has been working for Raforninn since 1993. He was part owner at Raforninn until 2010 and a a full time employee up to the year 2018. Since then he has participated in various projects where his vast experience is very valuable.
Sigurdur Runar holds numerous degrees and licences. He earned his degrees of Electrical Contractor Master Electronics Technician at The Icelandic Technical College in Reykjavik. Sigurdur Runar has more than 25 years of experience in imaging equipment technical services and has completed a great number of service courses.

Smári Kristinsson
Phone: +354 892 4125
Email: smari@raforninn.is
Mr. Smari Kristinsson earned his degree in engineering at Aarhus Technical University. He is one of the founders of Raforninn and has dedicated his skills to the company from its start in 1984. Smari is a change management consultant to the medical imaging community, advising on improving existing processes or creating new ones. This includes procurement consulting for all sizes of contracts.
Smari is also involved in Quality Assurance research and development as well as creating service management strategies. Smari has participated in a number of international projects. One of them a IAEA publication on digital radiology implementation.

Þorsteinn R. Jóhannesson
Electronics Engineer
Phone: +354 896 5435
Email: steini@raforninn.is
Mr. Thorsteinn R. Johannesson has been working for Raforninn since 1993. He earned his engineering degree at The Reykjavík Technical College. Thorsteinn has a long and diverse IT experience and has completed a great number of service courses in his main areas of responsibility. These include, among other things, RIS and PACS systems and MRI and CT equipment. He is also a key figure in concept design consulting and project management.